The Master List of Cricut Video Tutorials has been transitioned over to its new home and now boasts over 180 videos. I’ve enclosed a skitch-enhanced screen shot below to show you some of the features.

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create smart
by Kay
The Master List of Cricut Video Tutorials has been transitioned over to its new home and now boasts over 180 videos. I’ve enclosed a skitch-enhanced screen shot below to show you some of the features.
Oh WOW…wonderful, wonderful information. THank you!!
I tried the link and it did not work for me . Can you email a link to this new site to me? thanks
I am unable to get the link to come up for me. Can you email it to me?
Thanks so much.
this is awsome..thanks for doing this for us!!!!
How do I get this font and how do I use it? I’m so new to this but I LOVE what this font can do. 09 KutUps, a shapes font made especially for SCAL and other cutting machines that can cut truetype fonts Thanks.
I’m unable to get the link to work, pls send. Thanks.
i have tried all the links on the page to the cricut videos and cant open them. what do i do. thanks K
Karen, You may need an extension like Flash to view the videos. Don’t know details about Windows. Might try youtube help.
I could not get the link to work. Would you please email me the link.Thanks, Cherlynn
can someone email the link for the videos. i have clicked everything i can find
I can get to Diigo, but when i search for cricut videos, i don’t get your site — only two videos belonging to someone else. When i search for cricupediatv, it says no bookmarks. please help!
Please refer to the tutorial image on this post and be sure you are using the Cricupedia Bookmark search box NOT the Diigo search box. The link on this post will take you to the right page, you do not need to search for cricupedia.
I love your blog and all the good information you have available. I feel stupid, but can’t find the Cricut Video Master List. Could you send me a link? Thanks for your help. Joyce
I keep clicking the link provided and it takes me back and forth. Is there another link to get to the videos? I desperately need them.
Thanks, Kari
Hi, I cannot get the link to work for me. Please verify if I am trying the correct link.
Not even close. Don’t know where you got that link. The link is in the first line of the post. Just click on the words that are a different color.
steffa were you ever able to find these videos. if so could you email the link. i read the coment below but it was no help. i would like to utilize because obviously to do these videos took her alot of time
how do i find these 116 videos. i can seem to locate them. i click on videos and it has nothing to do with the cricut. please help
I love your master list, expecially as a beginner Cricut owner. I joined diigo but don’t understand how to bookmark your list so that when I sign on I can go to the master list. Am I just not understanding how this works??????? Any help would be appreciated.
You shouldn’t have to join Diigo at all. When you get to the master list from my blog, just bookmark that page. I don’t know what is different if you are a Diigo member.
Help: I am new at this whole thing. Just got my machine at x-mas. I am looking forward on using this but…I NEED HELP Please!
How do I get to the video’s
If it’s there I sure don’t see it…Please help me out here…I have been on here over a half an hour and still cannot find this wonderful list…PLEASE HELP
[email protected]
The link is in the first line of the post. Click on the words that are a different color. The list is no longer being updated, but the original list is still there and can lead you to sites where newer videos have been posted.