New owners of digital diecutters often ask what are the best fonts for welding (or “connecting” if they haven’t been indoctrinated into our odd vernacular yet). We may give a few suggestions but usually brush them off with something about personal preference. It turns out that there are some fonts that are inherently weld-friendly thanks to their attentive typographers.
I set out to find a dozen or so that are nice looking, fool-proof for welding (as in, type and go; no tracking, kerning, nudging or schooching required, at least for the letter combos I tested) and, best of all, free. Here’s how they look typed out and then welded in preview. Gorgeous, aren’t they?
So here they are, for your welding enjoyment.
Lobster Two Bold and Lobster Two Bold Italic
Once you have typed your word or phrase, the letters should already be overlapping properly, so all that is left for you to do is click on the word or phrase so that the selection box appears around it and activate welding as follows:
In Silhouette Studio : Press the Cut Style button then press “Cut Edge”
In SCAL : On the Appearance section of the Properties palette click the Weld checkbox (unless it is already checked)
In MTC : Click the Weld button or press CTRL + W
It is recommended that you always do a cut preview to verify that any welding is as expected before cutting.
Thank you for this. I spend a lot of time messing around with new fonts to find ones I like for different purposes. This is something I often look for and go back to the same one or two every time. Now I can have a whole list of them.
I really appreciate this.
Thank you so much for putting this list together. They are such great fonts!
Wow – this is great! Thanks for taking the time to put this together AND share it with us!!
Thanks ! Although I was trying to eliminate a few of my fonts, these look like welcomed additions.
“Font Hoarder”
Thank you so much! I am just learning to ‘weld’ and have my protective equipment on lol. These fonts will make me feel more successful!
Irene L.
Thank you for the great article and the wonderful fonts. This is truly a time saver.
Most useful e-mail I have had in ages! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of the thought you put into your ideas, and sharing them with us. You just saved me a ton of scooching!
This list is worth a Million to me
I fail at fonts
Thank you!
Thanks so much! Just the help I’ve been looking for! Your posts are always useful and appreciated! Roberta
Nice fonts Kay. Does Make the Cut come in a Mac version?
No Vesta, unfortunately there is no Mac version of MTC.
Thank you! I love working with fonts.
You are AMAZING!! thank you for taking the time to do this!!
Wow — thank you so much! What a great post – so very helpful!
Thank you! I’m always looking for script fonts for welding. It’s so much faster than printed fonts where you have to place every letter!
Thanks Kay for your generosity in posting these nice fonts. I used one of them yesterday with my gel pens to make a birthday card. I also just discovered what many others already know…..that you can use your prismacolor pencils to color in the double line fonts after writing with your gel pens. It makes them look very pretty.
Thank you so much! This is a huge time saver for me. I have spent more time that I care to admit on some projects going through my fonts to find one that is the style I want AND welds correctly.
Thank you for taking the time to do this. This will save me a lot of time.
Thanks so much for sharing. This will be so helpful!
Thanks for sharing these great fonts! I love the Lobster ones!
You always give us such practical, useful information. Thanks so much!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
A fantastic list, thank you so much for providing us with it!!