This week’s challenge (CFC54) at CAS-ual Fridays blog was for a masculine card with “designer’ paper. Well, I’m the designer of this one of a kind background paper that features the name, year, school colors and school name of the graduate. It was easy to create in a word processor (type text, format, copy, paste, repeat to fill page) and is quickly re-customizable for multiple grads with the find/change command. I also used it as matching gift wrap for small packages. The mortarboard and its shadow for the card were cut on the Silhouette SD and mounted with an action wobble. The tassle is fastened with a brad painted with nail polish to match the cap color.
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You created some pretty fabulous designer paper! So cool! Glad you were able to join us this week at CAS-ual Fridays!
I love your idea. I did somewhat the same thing. I used different words on the sheet that has to do with graduating. I did mine in blue font because that is the main color of the grads here. It is fun to see others doing the same kind of thing.
Very nice Kay. I like this a lot!!
Thanks so much Kay, for your visit to my blog and for all your goodies here! I’m finally catching up with my blog visits and so glad to have come to yours here almost first! You are talented and generous and I appreciate it.
What a great idea…love, love, love the paper! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
How clever an idea! What an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing this technique,
Well here I am again. You hooked me on the ekrealestate sign punch and I just had to order it. I loved the square punch digis you made and had to have that punch. The real estate sign punch won’t arrive here (Canada)for a couple of weeks (coming from U.S.). My problem is that I was hoping to be able to download the mother and fathers day digis you made but I have not had any luck; either when you first posted them or now. I know how busy you are but I was hoping you could help me out, once again. Thanks.
Love the card ! Unfamiliar with the find change command. I will have to Google how to do that. Thanks!
Love the idea of using nail polish to paint the brad. Very clever!
This is really special. I’ve been trying to make some of the personalized paper in Word without much luck. I couldn’t get my stars to line up with my text and I couldn’t get the stars to change to the color of the font ( I used the star under “shapes” in Word). Also, what font did you use? I did a quick search of Youtube but didn’t see much that was helpful in the way of tutorials. With graduations coming up, I would really love a quick explanation of how to do this. It would be much appreciated.
The font is “Complete in Him” from Kimberly Geswein. You can get it at or along with dozens of other wonderful fonts from her. I did this in Pages for Mac so long ago that I can’t remember how I did the stars, but it was probably using the Mac’s Insert Special Characters Command. You might be able to do a similar thing with the Character Map (I think that is what it is called) under Accessories in Windows. In the meantime, several of Kimberly’s fonts have a heart and/or star character built in so that would be an easy way to do this versus trying to use a separate font or drawing shape.
Thanks so much. I’ll keep working on it.