I spent some time working on graduation projects recently and made some custom backgrounds I wanted to share. Problem is, your school colors are probably different, and somebody would be left out. My solution was to make some transparent overlays so you can put your colors beneath to show through as the color of the lettering when the overlay is on top as shown in this screen shot. Hope you enjoy using these!
And if you need more help, here’s a video on using the overlays that will make things clearer. And another post with more overlays and information here.

Now for the bad news, After I got these made, I discovered that PNGs don’t maintain their transparency once you put them in the Library. Yet another item for the “removed features” list. But these will work fine if you drag them from your hard drive or merge them to your mat. A lot less convenient if you don’t have DE. Sorry about that.
In fact, in working on a number of projects with V3 (SSDE 3.0.343 to be exact) over the last week or so, I found that while a lot of the design issues were resolved, the software is slow, buggy and just generally frustrating. So I’m retracting my recommendation regarding upgrading to V3. I just don’t think the meager new features are worth the trouble. I am hard pressed to think of a project that wouldn’t be easier in V2. Silhouette America is still working, and I’m still hopeful we’ll get resolution. Let’s keep reporting the issues we find, pressing SA to fix what’s broken and deliver a meaningful upgrade.
Thanks for all your help and advice. I have to choice but to stay with V2. SA tried to help but V3 or Legacy will just not load on my computer. No problems with any of the other updates. I feel better about having to stay with V2 now that you’ve endorsed it. Again, thanks. eileen
Thanks Kaye, your work and expertise always benefits us.
Thanks, Kaye! These are great and will come in handy as I have a daughter, a niece, and a nephew graduating in two weeks! And thanks for the update on Sil v3. I agree with you whole-heartedly! SA added stuff I don’t need and took out stuff I do use! So, I’m definitely not upgrading until they put it back!
Thanks, again!
Mandy (MTC)
Well, I went ahead and upgraded once you said all was good. The last project I worked on was horrible. Yes, it’s slow and buggy and hangs.The most aggravating part was working with the layers. You can’t just close the eye and cut another layer. You have to first turn off all of the cut lines in that layer or they still show up when you open to cut another layer, even with that eye closed! So frustrating! I’ve went back to only using MTC and may uninstall this V3 version and re-install the last version.
I was so close to finally upgrading. WHEW! I have the 2.0.0d with DE. Do you know if there’s a cleaner version of that? It seems buggy lately. Or could that be the Win7? Seemed to run better on XP. But you know what? I still really like this little FREE program. I’m trying to learn WinPCSIGN. Hands down better rhinestone program but when all I want is a font cut and need to trace a design, it’s back to Studio I go. Bing Bang Boom I’m done. And thanks for sharing your knowledge on a regular basis!
Thanks so much, Kay, for the generous projects you share and your excellent advice. I agree with your comments on V3 and have reverted to V2. I wasn’t able to complete even very simple cutting or sketching projects without problems using V3. The same items now cut or sketch easily with V2. I’m going to email a list of the problems I had to SA and hope they can get things straightened out.
Kay…thanks for the update on V3. So many times I have been tempted to upgrade but held off because I keep seeing so many problems being reported by so many people on the various groups I participate in. I don’t understand how or why they would have released such a flawed product. Like buying a car with no wheels or breaks! I do love my Silhouette but am beginning to wonder if I should start looking at one of the other programs…I just don’t relish jumping back into the learning curve that would require. For now will hang in with Sil…after all…my older version still works. Thanks again for all you do for the crafting community!
Regarding V3: ironic, is it not, that the “Error Occured” (correct spelling, occurred?) box that pops up when V3 is about to fail then fails to send the report (error occurred while sending) when you click on send report. This has happened numerous times. There are still many glitches to be worked out.
I’m facing this problem. Silhouette Studio Business Edition V3(SSBE) was working properly for about 3 months, no problems, and suddenly this message appears and Cameo no more works and SSBE is closed. Who could help me? SSBE is a great software and I’m waiting for solution because I’m working on a project with an end milestone. Thanks in advance. Hugo, Brazil.
Sorry, Hugo I have no experience with SSBE. Might try the live chat with Silhouette Support.
Thank you Kay, I always trust your expert advise. I was wondering if I should upgrade but you’ve answered my question. I’m waiting for a better version.
I have not had any problem using images with transparent backgrounds or these overlays in the new Version 3.
Thanks for your input. I’ve heard the same thing from a couple of other people but they definitely don’t work for me and some others so this is apparently another one of those intermittent issues we haven’t discovered the trigger for yet. Anyway, glad you can use these with V3. Enjoy!
Hi Kay, these overlays are so nice. Just made a graduation card but with this terific overlay I’m thinking of making another one. I did have the chance to try it out in Studio 3 and it worked great for me. Thank you for shairng this.
I did a project yesterday with cutting, scoring, and two pen colors. V3’s ability to have multiple “paper types” (pressure & speed settings) & pause between layers was great.
please forgive me for asking this, but I still don’t really understand what one does with these. Are they for printing (for a background)?
Yes, they are for printing. I used these particular print to make custom paper for decorating box cards. You can use these files in Silhouette Studio, Photoshop Elements, Photoshop or any other program that supports tiled patterns.
Kay, my comment has to do with your downloading the Wood Patterns PSD file. I clicked on your link, chose post on FB that I had downloaded the file, but I never got a link to download it. What do I need to do?
I would click the link again and comment on that page that you had a problem.
I did go back to version 2. I hope Silhouette knows you have recommended this to your readers, and I hope they know how many have taken your advice. I’ll be waiting until I see a new post from you with “thumbs up”. Thanks for all your time and help. You are the best!