When the Cricut Engraving Tip was released in the summer of 2019, it opened up a whole new arena for expression with text and shapes, but what about photos? I had already developed a photo engraving technique using Silhouette software, so it wasn’t long before people were asking me if I could port my process over to the Cricut Maker. Since Silhouette Studio Business Edition had proven so adept at preparing photos to be engraved, and can export in SVG format, I set out to support another venue.
So today I am proud to announce the release of my first Cricut ebook, Maker Engraving Photos onto Acrylic available for just $3.99 USD. Like my Curio ebook, the counterpart for Cricut Maker users is a heavily illustrated, 48 page detailed tutorial covering not just how, but why it works, as well as related resources. It represents the result of even more trial and error to get a process tailored specifically for the Maker.
Tip: If you click the “Preview” button in the upper right of the sales page, you can download a PDF with sample pages to get an idea of supplies needed, the quality of graphics, level of detail, etc.
NeliDesign has graciously translated this ebook into French!
Please understand that this process requires Silhouette Studio Business Edition, a paid upgrade with a street price of around $70. Also understand that this is not recommended for beginners. You should already be comfortable with Design Space, engraving with the Maker, and even better if you have some experience with Silhouette Studio as well.
Whether you are ready to try photo engraving yet or not, please join my Cricut Engraving with Cleversomeday Facebook Group to learn basic tips for better engraving, see many wonderful examples of Cricut engraving (and a few educational fails) and to get your questions answered.

Could you tell me what in the silhouette software is needed to get the engraving to work correctly? I have a different cutting program, would like to see if this also has the capabilities.
Thanks so much
I have not found any other programs that can do all of the steps (which is why I selected SSBE) but if you contact me at cleversomeday.com/contact and tell me what software you have I can address your situation more specifically.
You never cease to amaze me! Well done!
Just bought your ebook. I am excited. I am a Cricut user, so I need the Silhouette business software. “Please understand that this process requires Silhouette Studio Business Edition, a paid upgrade with a street price of around $50.” I currently only have a free membership. Your link to Swing Designs for the license key is currently showing $65. Should I wait for a better deal? Is there a trick to getting it for $50? I’ve heard you can create a shadow layer for images in Silhouette Studio, so I’m not opposed to the cost if I can use if to solve a few design issues, but looking for a deal. haha. Thanks!
Thanks for you message, Holly. The end of year deals that started in mid November have recently expired, bringing the street price to around $70. I will update my information and apologize for the confusion. I am not certain when or if we will see the software drop to that price again as the MSRP remains at $99.
I have sure cuts a lot 5. Would it have the same capability as the silhouette studio?
Yes, you can do this with SureCutsALot5 plus some external photo editing software or sites. The step by step instructions will not be applicable, but the front section of the book explains the principles that you would need to translate the process to the software you have.
I have a Cricut explore 2 and the silhouette 4 with business addition.
Can I still use the book for engraving? If not sill you send me the link to what I need please?
I am going to need to ask you some more questions to determine the best option for you, Leslie Please contact me via cleversomeday.com/contact so I can email you. Thanks!
Hi, Thank you so much for sharing all this great info! I have Photoshop, but I have a long journey before I can comfertly say that I know my way there. I do wonder, however, Is it possible to do the process with Photoshop + Cricut? (Rather than buying the Siluet software…)
No, Alex, Photoshop is bitmap based, while Cricut needs vector input. Photoshop skill is very helpful for refining photos before converting to vector lines, but it can’t do the job alone.
I just purchased ebook and when trying to open it it says it can’t open it corrupted .
Be sure you are downloading from a computer, then you can transfer to a mobile device.
Holy moly! I’m a newbie but learn like a pro… I wanted to save $, so I tried polarizing and hatching in other programs. I couldn’t get what I wanted. Spent a ton of hours and frustration until I FINALLY broke down and got SDDb on sale. I got a nice hatched svg but Cricut would take forever to open it, edit it, wouldn’t attach it and wouldn’t send it to the machine! I was at a loss. Nothing online helped. So I knew of this release and said if she was able to open and attach and send and make, I must be missing something, so I bought it. HOLY MOLY AGAIN! Seriously, within minutes I created what I wanted all along and Cricut worked with the file easily. THANK YOU!
Hi Kay,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the help you’ve provided over the years for me with my Silhouette, etc. I’ll probably never etch anything as I still have one of the first versions, but your help has been invaluable! Also, the little boy in the photo is too cute!!! I assume he’s a grandson?
Hi Kay just bought your ebook on engraving I get to page 21 then get stuck on the part 2 drag around to select the traces on all 3 numbered layers probably over thinking it but can’t work out how to do this, help please
Sorry for any confusion, Janet. This is the standard selection process like you use in Design Space, etc. Click one corner, drag to the other corner and let go of the mouse.
I am so confused. I have the maker. I bought the you ebook. I guess i must be stupid . I need a program to edit the photo before uploaded it into DS. Is that correct;
So I have to purchase a editing program first is that right? I have sure cuts alot. Not sure how to use it. Will that work?
You aren’t stupid. This confuses a lot of people. The e-book requires Silhouette Studio Business Edition, which seems counterintuitive since the engraving is done with a Cricut. That’s why I emphasize it so much. However, since you have SureCutsALot (assuming SCAL4 or 5), you can take the principles laid out in Section One and translate them into steps using SCAL. SCAL does not have the necessary photo editing features built in like SSBE does, though, so if you are using SCAL then yes you will need to do some photo editing externally. There are a number of free tools online (Pixlr is one) that can be used for that part.