I am proud to introduce 09 KutUps, a shapes font made especially for SCAL, MTC, Silhouette Studio and other cutting software that can cut truetype fonts. From the ground up this font was designed with diecutting in mind. Every shape has been optimized for cutting and even the font name and configuration have been chosen to make it easy to use with diecutting software.
I have been the recipient of much generosity recently. For example, in 2008 I spent a month’s worth of nights in the Ronald McDonald House near where my son was hospitalized. If you enjoy using this font, I hope you will be generous the next time this fine organization asks for your support. Download the font here. View/download the character map here. 09KutUps is free for personal and commercial use, but may not be sold or shared without my permission. Please also do me the courtesy of directing others to this blog post rather than to the box.com link. And of course, I would love to hear your comments.
7/24/09 Update: This font has become very popular, and many of you have told me that you have honored my request that you make a donation to Ronald McDonald House Charities in return. Thank you so very much. My son had to be admitted to a hospital in another distant town for the last 2 weeks. Once again the Ronald McDonald House there provided support for our family.
5/11/13 Update: This font has been downloaded tens of thousands of times and I am overwhelmed by your response to it and your willingness to honor my request. I have eliminated the mediafire link that had gotten too aggressive and switched over completely to box.net which should be a simpler download. My son has been off treatment for 3 years and has graduated from college and gotten married. I will forever be grateful to the Ronald McDonald House for being there is our darkest days. Thank you for your continued support!
i just purchased scal, and this is a fantastic additon to that. thank you so much for sharing with everyone.. 🙂
There are fantastic. I cannot thank you enough for posting this outstanding free file.
I would like to donate to Ronald McDonald house for you, I have to go check and see if the address is above.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The font looks great! When I go to download, it says it can’t find the file for either the font itself or the cheat sheet. Saw your post about the spiral at the SCAL group at yahoo. Would you be able to email the font & cheat sheet to me?
thanks for sharing your awesome font!
Thanks, this is a great font– will be awesome with SCAL. I want to learn how to make a font–how fun!
This is amazing! Thank you so much.
How incredibly generous of you, and tfs.
Thank you so much for sharing this font with us. You are so generous!!!! This font set is beautiful!!!!
[email protected]
To smunoz and others that are having trouble downloading, please try again. Mediafire hiccups sometimes and also, you have to make sure you click in the right place. Hundreds of people have successfully downloaded these fonts, but not all of them in the first try 🙂
Thanks for responding. Is there another place to download besides clicking on “here”? I have tried the font, charater chart and the inkscape template and get the same 404 error. I have tried about 20 times over the last 3 days, maybe it’s just my computer and I just have to stay away from mediafire.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing these. I know they will come in handy.
tried to download this font loads of times but looks like it has been moved or deleted
I am happy to report that the font is still there and being successfully downloaded by hundreds of people daily. Make sure you are clicking the right links and that you haven’t already downloaded it to a default location without realizing it.
Thanks so much!
Hi there,
THANK YOU so very much for the most generous share. I too have donated to Ronald McDonald House and continue to, as I have a little niece with Spina Bifida and she was fortunate enough when she was very little to have an operation in Melb., and her parents stayed at RM House.
When I load the TTF into my “fonts” folder on my PC where all my other fonts are stored, I see all my other fonts on SCAL but don’t see the Kutups font? Is there a special place to install it to?
Any advice you have would be very much appreciated.
Thank you …. Al
I can’t get them to download either. I get a Page Not Found error message. 🙁 I clicked on the highlighted “here” link.
Fabulous work!
I tried to download this great looking font, but the link doesn’t work 🙁
Dawn, Anita and others who couldn’t download. Apparently Mediafire had some issues today. Please try again. I was just able to successfully download the font.
Thanks so much, I managed to download it and have already tried it out!
Thank you! I finally got it to work! Can’t wait to use!
Just spent a couple of hundred on wizzard nestabilities that will probably never get used now. You are amazingly clever and so kind to MD House. I will contribute to the UK ones for you.
Thanks so much.
Thanks! Will be using some of these today.
That is so awesome to have all those special and much used shapes together as a font. Thank you so much and the Ronald McDonald house is a wonderful charity!
thank you for designing and sharing all of your creations. They are great. I just got SCAL but haven’t tried it yet but will soon.. Thanks again.
WOW thaks love this!
What a cool font! Thanks!!
Thanks! They look amazing.