I want to do a little roundup of what’s been going on with Cricut and Silhouette machines and software recently in case you’ve missed out on any of the news or are dying to hear my armchair analysis of it. So here are the snippets, in no particular order (but grouped by manufacturer)…
Silhouette releases its cloud and the Cameo3 before they are ready
Whenever the first thing you have to do when you take a machine out of the box is update the firmware to get it to work, that is a dead giveaway that it was released too soon. Firmware, for those not familiar, is the normally factory-installed software onboard a device. Updating it should be needed rarely, if ever unless adding new features, as it is a time-consuming, nerve-wracking process that is not beginner-friendly.
But in the case of the Cameo 3 there have been 3 firmware versions released in the brief time the machine has been on the market yet the Cameo 3 is still suffering from a number of issues including bluetooth connectivity problems and excessive pausing.
To make matters worse, the Cameo 3 requires version 3.8 of Silhouette Studio, which is one of the cloud-based versions. The Silhouette Cloud is still glitchy and far from user-friendly with many adopters experiencing scrambled libraries, missing files and an inability to download their store files. So, unfortunately, Cameo 3 users have to deal with issues both related to the non-optional (for them) cloud and the new machine and its immature firmware.
Version 4 of the Silhouette Studio software, which promises some exciting new features, and was supposed to be released following a robust beta testing phase in time for the Cameo 3 launch, has had to be put on the back burner since it wasn’t ready when the machine was released and resources had to be diverted to patching version 3 instead.
My advice … just say no to the Silhouette Cloud and the Cameo 3 for now and let [email protected] know if you would rather wait for a machine that is ready to function properly out of the box. While Silhouette’s cloud is basically a good idea as planned, I would still like to see it be made optional to protect those who have poor or expensive internet connections and to prevent the problem Cricut has with rising system requirements.
Silhouette quietly deprecates the only remaining V2 version
Those who wish to continue using the beloved Silhouette Studio version 2.9.67 (itself a response to a previous outcry) were surprised to learn that their software could no longer download from the Silhouette store as of earlier this month. Silhouette gave no warning to those who have chosen to use a version of the software that they preferred over current offerings. Now, granted, V3 was released 2 and a half years ago, but in that amount of time, Silhouette has failed to restore the full feature set of V2 or provide a more stable, reliable version 3 that would entice us to upgrade even after 18 (yes, I counted them) iterations. I should add that version 3.6.057 (the last pre-cloud version) is not that bad, its just that V2 was so good. As my friend and Silhouette guru, Jin Yong, put it, with V3, “it’s just not fun anymore.”
Please let Silhouette know your feelings on this, v2 lovers, and perhaps we can win another reprieve.
Cricut quietly drops Windows 7 and MacOS 10.9
As I have discussed previously, one unfortunate consequence of a cloud based system is that the minimum system requirements are fluid. Indeed, Cricut recently raised its system requirements again, even though no new features have been added to the Cricut Design Space Mac or Win versions in over a year. Windows 7 machines are still running Design Space without issue for now. The biggest impact will be getting support for an operating system that is officially no longer compatible. Unfortunately, this change was made shortly after the period for free updates to Windows 10 had closed.
Update: System Requirements changed again on 10/6. MacOS 10.10 has been dropped. The meaningless clock speed reference was also removed and specific internet speeds were added.
Cricut Explore 2 to be released Oct 5
After several weeks of trickling leaks, Cricut confirmed the impending release of the Explore 2. It has the same form factor as existing Explores but with an inverted color scheme (color on top, lighter on bottom) in 4 retro pastel colors. The only other difference is the addition of an optional “Fast Mode” which will cut or write up to 2x faster when using the vinyl, cardstock or iron on settings. The comparison video seems to show the same cutting order for both, so presumably the speed increase is not from cutting order optimization (which would be a way to speed up existing Explores as well.) While the new machine is an incremental update, those wishing to purchase an existing Explore model should find great deals now and on Black Friday.
The Design Space plug in was updated overnight to support the new machine, so if you are experiencing new issues, contact support.
I can’t help but wondering if they will release a single head version called the Explore 2 One. LOL
My advice, skip the Explore 2 for now and let Cricut support know if you won’t be needing another color until the Design Space overhaul is complete and proven.
Cricut releases offline design and cutting for iOS
After nearly a year of beta testing, Cricut recently released a version of its iOS app that can operate without an active internet connection (this is not possible with the browser-based Mac and Windows versions). Instead of having the “entire library of over 50,000 files … plus your own designs to design with” offline, as earlier announced, users can select content to transfer to their iOS devices, 50 files at a time. This actually works better for me since I don’t have a lot of space available on my iPad, but it fell short of Cricut’s own stated objective to be the first in the industry to offer their entire library for design offline. (I guess they forgot Cricut Design Studio did that in 2007).
Cricut Design Space web app improvements, Android app still in work
Cricut recently announced that efforts to replace Design Space’s dependence on the problematic Flash platform in favor of HTML5 have been underway for over a year but declined to announce a target date. Beta testers have been recruited but are on hold for now. Larger paper sizes for print then cut are now a year and half late based on Cricut’s originally announced timeframe.
The Android app continues in testing, also with no target date announced. It is unclear whether Android users will be getting an offline option at release, or ever.
“SnapMat” added to Design Space iOS app
A recent update to the Cricut Design Space iOS app added a previously unannounced feature to assist with positioning cuts, called SnapMat. SnapMat allows users to capture a photo of their mat, loaded with paper scraps, preprinted images, etc. to serve as a guide when manually placing cut lines during the mat preview phase. While a big improvement over the tedious “counting squares” method, SnapMat’s accuracy is limited because it does not account for mat loading tolerances like the technology Silhouette and Brother use for this function. I am looking forward to seeing Cricut/iOS users employ this feature in creative ways, nonetheless.
Reading back through this, I realize I sound kinda cranky, to say the least. The truth is I enjoy using machines from both companies almost daily, but someone needs to sift through the hype, see past the pretty colors and challenge these companies on the unfulfilled promises and untapped potential. So I call it like I see it, in hopes that both companies will keep striving to produce solid, innovative, user friendly machines, even if it means my wacky workarounds will no longer be needed.
Thank you, Kay, for this comprehensive review of the current problems. As a retired computer engineer/analyst/tester, it is quite frustrating to me to see software (and for that matter firmware) that has not been adequately tested. At least we have you to translate our frustrations and give us salient advice. I don’t care about machine colors and the such–I do, however, care about the stress I feel when trying to cut something and a program not working as it did “yesterday”. Thank you again for your analysis.
Thank you for that some parts over my head but I understood the gist. I stopped using my cricut and craft robo (that goes back some years) I solely use my Brother (Iamno use at designing)
Thank you Kay! I updated to the new software, had multiple problems and then uninstalled it (Silhouette). I thought it was just me having problems with it. I plan on waiting for your recommendation to update again :).
Thanks for the reviews. I appreciate your willingness to tell it like it is. I remember having disastrous results with one Silhouette upgrade. Now I tend to wait quite a while before adopting the “advances” offered.
That’s why I decided to hang fire on getting the Cameo 3 – I still use my original Cameo, have a few issues, particularly cutting thicker materials but, overall it does what I need it to, willy only update my machine when I hear better reviews of the 3. Thanks for your views on it xx
Thank you so very much for your update. Please keep me posted on when would be a good time to update. I have the circut explore and the Cameo. My Cameo is getting tired, but I would like to wait until more bugs are worked out for sure. I there a problem going from an ios Mac system and converting back to windows? Will I lose my already extensive library? or will it convert with me if I switch.
Thank you
Thanks so much for the synopsis Kay! I don’t much give a rat’s butt about colors either. 🙂 Give me hardware and software that works – preferably together. I also don’t like the sneaky ways these companies drop support for their stuff. I understand technology moves forward, but put some notice out there.
…..what ^^she^^ said. This is the first I’ve heard of no more support for Windows 7, which is what we use.
Great observations!! Love hearing your thoughts.. Always spot on.
Whew! That was a lot of information! I, for one, thank you for your effort to give comprehensive reviews of Cameo and Cricut. I am drooling over the Curio and wistfully looking at the Cricut Explore. It is helpful to know the problems that are lurking about out there….even if purchasing the machines is on my wish list for now.
Thank you so much for the thorough review. I am running the Silhouette Cameo using v.3 and am satisfied with it. (Never made the jump to the 2 as I didn’t see a significant difference in it from the original cameo.) I had the Cameo 3 on my Amazon wish list and have removed it for the time being. I look forward to your future post (hopefully) with a review that will give me the peace of mind to make the upgrade to the Cameo 3.
Whew! That was a lot of information! Thank you for your efforts to give us a comprehensive review of Cameo and Cricut. I am drooling over the Curio and wistfully looking at the Cricut Explore. I’ve had major issues with cutting simple card stock on my Cameo II. It is helpful to know the problems that are lurking about out there….even if purchasing the machines is on my wish list for now.
Awesome and complete review. Unfortunately, giving Silhouette America our feedback doesn’t seem to be a useful thing to do as they clearly DON’T CARE about what we write. An example: I wrote them an e-mail on Sep. 26th reporting my Business Edition key was not working. I also included some other questions. On Sep. 27th I re-sent it. Yesterday, Sep. 28th, I sent it again. I wrote on their fan page TWICE. Only today they answered my key had been reset and nothing more. Nor a single line about my other concerns, including that I would like to give my feedback about the latest changes to Studio. It is really a pity that they seem to think only in releasing new products, but not in listening to their users and solving problems.
Thanks for telling it like it is, Kay. Both companies would become amazing if they hired you for a consultant! I’ve barely used my CAMEO 3 because I’m unhappy with the cloud software, and it’s taking so long for fixes that have been promised. It would sure be nice if they had things working smoothly by the next All Things Silhouette conference in November, because I just don’t have a lot of good things to say at the moment.
Thank you, Kay, for your valuable opinion! I wish they would put YOU on their design team!
As always, a big thank you for the information. I am so disappointed with Silhouette America…too bad they had us believing they would in the game to win. I’m still using SS 2.9.x.x (the legacy version) and the original Cameo. I’m not interested in the Cricut Explore (I still using MTC with my Expression when needed). So, I guess I’ll have to look into the Scan and Cut once my Cameo dies (although I might go ahead and get version 2 IF my legacy version of SS will work with it). And I agree, as an IT person, releasing software before it is fully working, is like nails on a chalkboard. It is just no excuse for that. And for them to jump into the cloud arena is head-scratching. They don’t appear to have the resources to make the non-cloud stuff to work. So, how then did they think they were cloud-savvy?? SMH
Anyways….thanks, again, for a very informative post.
Kay, I always look forward to your reviews and analysis. I’m still old school enough and budget conscious enough that I don’t even think about upgrading to a new machine that doesn’t give me seriously new capabilities that I actually need. I have seen the pattern with both companies of releasing hardware before it’s ready and customer support that is conspicuously absent. Not to mention promised features that never materialize. This doesn’t seem to happen with other suppliers of crafting materials and I am curious why it is such a given with these two.
Thank you so much for all the information that you have provided for us. I appreciate your willingness to share your time, knowledge and experience. You have answered all my questions and problems that I have been having. We will just keep waiting for someone as intelligent as you to be working for silhouette.
Thanks so much, Kay, for telling “the rest of the story”. As always, your reviews are right on…… very few people are willing to tell the truth 🙂
Kay, I’m confused. You said “Cricut quietly drops Windows 7 and MacOS 10” but I find no details about dropping the MacOS.
Thanks – MacLinda
Sorry, it should have said OS9. I have corrected it. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for an honest update. This is refreshing after Hype all day!
Thanks so much! Your ability to share your thoughts and knowledge is quite comforting to this user who has been so frustrated with Silhouette. I am at a loss to understand why something which started out as such a wonderful idea has had to become so confusing. E.g. Why would a company mandate the use of their “cloud” (which is considerably flawed) or sell a machine with flawed firmware? Is their “bottom line” so important to risk losing customers?
I appreciate knowing that my concerns re: their products are not just mine alone but being felt by (noting comments) many others. Please keep your updates coming. I trust your opinion more than any other I have found.
Thank you for a very informative update of what is going on with the Silhouette and the Cricut software programs. I am still using Silhouette version 2.???? and love it, after upgrading to version 3 and having nothing but problems. . Now I find I can no longer use it at the Silhouette Store. I will not be renewing my membership to the Monthly Club after my current membership expires in December. I’m tired of Silhouette forcing us to use upgrades that don’t work.
I’m getting really tired of good machines that I pay good money for no longer working as purchased due to forced OS upgrades. Just let me use what I bought. I won’t ask for upgrades if you don’t force me to upgrade. I hate that they now can force me to upgrade via my software and then tell me that I have to use my machine in a new way.
Wow! I’m so glad I didn’t renew my subscription to the Silhouette Store in August. The freebies have not been worth much this year, so I did not even know I couldn’t use the store with my legacy version. ?
Cranky?? Not in the least. When I’m cranky a lot of four letter words would of been sprinkled here and there. Love your opinions and your advice. If someone as knowledgeable as yourself, who has helped thousands of us to “work around” issues, says don’t or stay away for now we should listen. I do and I am grateful for all you do.