Mike Parrott of the WordleUsers Yahoo group has been teaching the rest of us how to do all sorts of things with Wordle using the advanced input screen. He gave instructions for manipulating the data in a spreadsheet, which I turned into online templates that anyone can use. Hope you enjoy them!
Spreadsheet for more flexible Wordles
Spreadsheet for single word (or phrase) Wordles
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I am not understanding what editing option are available to paste back into wordle. Can you give an example of the editing you do in the spreadsheet? TYIA
Sure, some examples would be to 1) remove words you do not want to appear, 2) to change the weighting, 3) to add words or symbols that do not appear in standard Wordles, or 4) to duplicate the entry for a word so that it appears multiple times in your wordle.
Thanks, now I understand how to get the same word to show up more than once.
I am looking at the spreadsheets and my MAC doesn’t allow me to “Make a Copy” after selecting File. I can download as (cvs, html, xcel) but the formulas aren’t downloaded only the text in the cells. Is there a way to save the spreadsheet for MAC users?
THanks!! I loved your tutorial!!!
It looks like maybe you need to sign in to Google Docs to be able to use Save As and download versions with formulas. Thanks for pointing this out. I’m sure it will help others as well.
Jennifer, it is now more than a year later and I am just now responding to your message above because I am new to wordle as of this week. I discovered that Safari does not let you use the Save as option (or any of the other tools of the spreadsheet either), but if you use Firefox they are all available. I did sign in to Google Docs as Kay suggested.