The response to my first video has been overwhelming! I so appreciate your kind comments and welcome all my new YouTube subscribers! It seems I struck a nerve for those of you whose learning style challenges you to understand what is behind the steps you are taking. I hope this series will continue to bring you “Aha moments” on the way to full mastery of Silhouette Studio. Part 2 of Tracing Without Tears, which I am releasing today, covers how the threshold setting works, what its limitations are, and how to use it to trace several representative logos which serve as our examples.
And in case you missed Part 1, you can find it here.
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Very helpful, appreciate you sharing your knowledge of the silhouette program.
thanks again for a clearer understanding…I await your next one!
I can’t thank you enough for a terrific explanation and examples of how the Silhouette software works! I look forward to following all your video’s on the Silhouette. Again, many thanks!!!!
Wonderful series, Kay. Thanks so much. Keep ’em coming!
Thank goodness for engineer brains. Now I understand the threshold–I loved the examples you used. It’s all very clear. Please explain compound path–that’s very foggy for me.
Kay this video was awesome. So basically anything w/white in it we are going to have problems and have to find a work around. What you have done here is to help me understand why some stuff will trace while other stuff won’t. Thank you ever so much. You are great.
Thanks another fantastic video.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for this series. I’m enjoying trying out these great tips!
Again, your video is awesome. Your instructions and visuals are great. Keep it up
Great job, Kay. Thanks for putting in the time to make these helpful videos.
Thanks for teaching us the “why” behind these options! Great videos, Kay! I’d like to create an SVG by scanning and tracing a black paper die cut that I have. Any tips on usng a scanner to get the original image to trace? When saving the scanned image, what format should I use?
Anna, I cover tracing a scanned image in my earlier video on tracing stamps but your situation is much easier. I would put the black shape on the scanner bed and cover it with a white sheet of paper, then scan at high resolution (300 ppi or higher) and save as png.
I love your videos, It has been driving me nuts that I didn’t understand how the tracing worked. I could get a decent trace but I didn’t know why. Thank you for satisfying this part of my brain!!
Thanks for the video, makes sense and so clearly explained.
Wow, you are a great teacher. I feel smarter already. Thank you sooo much for these great videos
I have learned SO MUCH from your first 2 videos — PLEASE keep them coming! I would gladly pay for this instruction. THANK YOU!!!
OMG! I have learned so much just from these two videos! Thank you!!!
once again you have given me an ah-ha moment! Thank you, thank you thank you!
Thank you for part 2. I understand it much better.
Hi Kay.
I am definitely a ‘need to know why’ kind of person and have never just been satisfied with the ‘how’.
You are teaching me the ‘why’ which is helping me to understand the reasons behind the how. Just 2 videos in, and I’m already more competant or at least, mor comfortable with tracing. This makes me a much happier user as well as helping me on my journey to a more fundamental understanding of the software.
Kay, you alone will be making us more ‘Clever Someday’!!!
Thank you so very much. I can’t wait until your next installment.
Paula xxx
This is amazing, for the first time I understand the trace buttons, in clear language. No silly tutorials that take 15 minutes to watch, and you still end up wondering what it’s all about. Thank you thank you