The folks at Silhouette America have been very busy for the last couple of weeks, heeding what they read here and what thousands of you told them via phone, email and social media about the first release of Silhouette Studio version 3.0.293 (or what Duane from one of the FB groups so aptly dubbed, the Titanic version.) I’m pretty impressed with the way Silhouette has handled this, owning the problems instead of blaming them on us, and reaching out even to those who were, ahem, harsh with their analysis.
I’ve been helping with the beta testing, version after version, sometimes more than one a day. And I’m not the only “real” user that SA pulled into the loop this time. I can tell you that we have been heard and that the most irritating things about the unfortunate earlier version have been fixed. And for those of you that are waiting to hear from me, I say jump on in, the water’s fine. You can download the new version here. Read the lengthy release notes here. Update: Download the new manual here.
SA has pledged to keep on working, so my updated, removed feature list is below. Please let them hear about any of these that are important to you.
-Ability to drag a pattern into a shape from the desktop or a folder in a new document (removed from standard in v2.7, now removed from DE). Now works but only when a document has been closed and reopened.
-Blade advance arrows. This is a problem for Portrait users who do not have arrow buttons on their machines and so, can not reset the origin or cut multiple test cuts. Portrait users, don’t stand for this. It severely devalues your machine.
-Ability to manually detect registration marks. This is a biggie for folks who like to push the envelope with specialty media and oddball techniques. Surely I’m not the only one.
-Ability to drop a file onto your SS app icon to open it. This no longer works, even for .studio files for some reason.
-Ability to import a font from the hard drive to the library. (this was removed from the basic edition previously and has now been removed from DE)
-Ability to open AI files in Mac version (this was never a published feature so SA not likely to admit it was removed or try to restore it)
-Number of color theme choices reduced from 8 to just 3 (changed for Silhouette branding purposes. In other words, its about them, its not about us)
And we still haven’t gotten the 3 biggest things I hear asked for 1) ability to save as SVG and 2)layers and 3)ability to edit keywords, etc for files in library.
Ok, technically V3 has layers now, but this is not the kind of functionality we waited so long for, or the level of polish we’ve come to expect from SA. It is clunky and confusing and, did I mention, upside down. As an example, take a look at a file after I imported a few layered images. You’ll see layers and sublayers, none of which I created, and all of them are named “Layer 1.” So for now, enjoy the other features, and let’s keep the pressure on SA to give us logical, useful layers like the competitors have had for years now. They can do better, and they will, but I’m not letting them off the hook until it is accomplished.
Here’s a video from Doodling Debbie that’ll show you around the new update.
A note about file types: This new version of SSDV3 lets you save as .studio3 (File>Save or File>Save As>Save As…) or .studio (File>Save As>Save as Legacy(V2)…)version. I plan to save everything as .studio (legacy) unless it specifically contains layers or some other feature of V3 that will not translate back to V2. I hope that most of you will use this strategy as well, to facilitate easier file sharing and to make it easier to go back to an earlier version if you need to. You will need to use Save As Legacy each time you save the file, as using Save alone will save a .studio3 version.
Now let’s get back to enjoying our Silhouettes!
Hi Kay, thank you so much for your help. I have V1.9 DE and v2.9 DE currently running side by side quite happily on my laptop. I would like to add the patched V3 but I have discovered that if I do that everything is fine until I close V3, at which point the DE part of V1 and V2 disappears! I contacted Silhouette support (who I usually find to be excellent) but their answer is simply that it isn’t possible to have more than one version on a pc so the problem doesn’t exist. The whole point of keeping V1.9 is to export as .svg and I need DE to do that. Do you have any answers or ideas please? Many thanks Denyse x
Thank you so much for this latest critique Kay – I am so glad SA took all the comments on board as it would have seriously damaged the reputation they have for great customer service and for taking things on board from feedback. Also, thank you too for working with them through Beta testing and bringing us a version that is at useable, until they’ve ironed out the few further things they have on that list!!!
I’ve found your feature very helpful – but reading the comments and your feedback to the comments too has been useful. I find that reading, rather than jumping in with a question (that has usually been asked – and answered already) to be the best policy!
Keeping my eye out for further updates
Paula xxx
Someone (can’t remember who) posted on SilhouetteUsers group that they could not open today’s “new” free image because she had not downloaded V3. I tried and got the same message. Will write a note to Silhouette Support and complain. It’s not really “free” if they are going to force users to download “clunky” software to take advantage of free images.
Hi Kay,
I have a new machine and everything was working fine. till i installed the latest version of Silhouette studio my machine is not cutting the edges of my designs so everywhere close to the edge of the paper it is not cutting.
I tried test cut – the test cut does not cut through the paper but the normal cut does and lastly…
I tried to print and cut – but when i print the registration marks are totally off its like it is more to the right than it should be so the right hand registration marks get cut off.
I have sent Silhouette support numerous emails and get the same response over and over that i should upgrade to the latest version … which i have told them i have version 3.0.343
I am in South Africa but did try and call them today and when i select the option for technical support and customer service i just get a msg that the voice mail is full and it cuts off.
I would prefer to to go back to the previous version as i have already converted all my files to the new version so they wont work… and also worried that i will lose my library.
Also i like the new features – everything except for my machine not cutting correctly…
The only other thing i did is play around in make the cut and cut with my Zing – not sure if this could have done anything???
Not sure if you have encountered any of these issue… and if you have any advice for me
It is unfortunate that Silhouette is not communicating as diligently as you are. I was fairly happy with how the old version worked, and while it’s nice to know new features are available I think they’ve made them overly complicated and provided embarrassingly little documentation to understand how it should be used. Case in point they released v3 initially with the (pathetic) v2 help file. I’m glad to see somebody updated it for v3 but it’s basically still no help.
I work in technology specifically for companies that make and utilize packaged software applications. If Silhouette was selling the first version of v3 to customers it would have more than likely gone out of business. I love my Portrait and I really hope their development team makes good on their promise fixing defects, simplifying usability, and rolling out much-requested enhancements.
Thanks for keeping us posted. Keep up the good work and keep on keeping Silhouette honest!
Any chance Silhouette might be feeling the push to give us a conical warp feature?
Since upgrading to the latest version of V3 I find that tracing doesn’t extend to the bottom of the image I want to trace. So my characters are getting their feet cut off! I have contacted Silhouette but their advice does not rectify the problem. Does anybody else have this issue? I am running Windows 8. whatever is the latest!
If they do not put in save as .svg file OR return the features they removed (ie. auto detect registration marks) it is not worth upgrading. I feel I would be going backwards!
Thank you for the work you put into the reviews. I will keep checking back.
Why do some of my fonts look really strange. Jagged edges, uneven…is there a setting I need to change.
Check your antialiasing and curve quality settings under Preferences>Display.
Thanks so much. I will try that. On another note my cameo went completely crazy this morning. The rollers that feed the paper were rolling in the opposite direction, continuously. I turned the power off. I unplugged it several times. When I unplugged the USB the rollers went in the opposite direction. The software kept saying busy and synching. The cameo kept saying working. This all started when I sent a word to cut and it took forever to do anything so I tried to cancel. I restarted the program several times. At one point there was a message that the USB wasn’t working to connect it to another. At one point the rollers stopped and then the cameo started moving and “working”. It was possessed. I was at a point of restarting my computer when it went black and a message with blue letters came up saying my computer will shut down due to some program power issues. It was fast. Anyway, I went back to download the old software and was about to call support when I read something about the driver. So I inserted my disc and installed the cameo driver and after that it was fine! Have you ever heard of anything like this???
Got any ideas about the offset. I can’t see what I’m doing with it. The up and down arrows don’t seem to affect the offset image in process and the slide bar is kind of all or nothing. Is this something they are still working on? JB Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 23:19:19 +0000 To: [email protected]
I hope they are still working on it. What I do is enter the value I want in the box.
I have not updated my silhouette to V3 yet as I have heard so many having problems. The last on this list is May 6…it is now July 10th. Have the problems been ironed out and is it working sell or is it still a roller coaster of problems? Any advise would be most appreciated. My machine works great as it is and I don’t want to mess it up 🙂
August 8th v3 still will not initialize if you are running Mavericks 10.9.4. Had to go back to legacy version.
Help!! Every time I try to cut an image, my silhouette cuts out halfway through the design!! My screen says, “syncing.” what do I do??
Synching is when the computer is trying to connect with the Silhouette machine. Not sure what would cause this. Try plugging directly if you are going through a hub and make sure the cables are secure. Might also try under Preferences>Advanced setting packet size to 500. If none of that works, best to call support.
I’m having something happen with ‘syncing’ too Julie. Although I can’t even get my machine to let me load my vinyl and it just says ‘Syncing’ with the moving status bar that won’t stop. I’ve never seen this happen before. I tried what Kay said, but it didn’t do anything. Did you figure your issue out?
Need help as status bar says syncing but nothing happens
I am also having this problem. Please update if you have found a solution.
My status bar in the Silhouette Studio kept saying “Syncing”, and after HOURS of internet research, I finally found a very smart website ( that suggested reinstalling just the driver from the original installation CD that came with the Cameo. The instruction in the above site are perfect, and fixed my problem in no time! I wish I had figured it out sooner!
Omg this worked!!! Thank ever so much!!! Saved my hinney
Try turning your Silhouette machine off and back on. That worked for me when I had this issue. Other things to try would be restarting your computer or changing which USB port your Silhouette is connected to on your computer. Maybe your USB port on your computer has gone bad.
Hi can anyone help .I bought the sillouette cameo 3 months ago . Been doing great but this morning when I turn it on . The screen on the cameo is staying blank , and then it starts to cut and cut is all wonky . Thank you .
Went to the silhouette site. The latest version is unavailable.
Im having trouble with text sizing no matter what I do it doesn’t come out the size I want, I click 1.50″ in the text then click on the text tool on left column then the bounding box says 1.67″ but it cuts at 1″. I went to the scale and set the height there and still only cuts at 1″. Im doing only numbers for the text.
I have a video that will help you understand what is going on and how to fix it.
Thank you so much Kay! Your right it’s meaningless! But at least now with your help I can get the correct size.
I recently decided to be brave and upgraded. For some reason, my text and even shapes have jagged lines on the screen. Any idea how to fix this issue?
No, unfortunately, this is a known bug that many of us are experiencing in the last 3 versions of V3. Support has yet to acknowledge the issue 🙁
Thank you! That’s dumb considering ever other version of Silhouette Studio did not do that. I was hoping that maybe I had a setting wrong for my monitor or something. 🙁
I had contacted silhouette about the text sizing and their answer was something was wrong with my graphics card!!! I have a 1500 dollar computer that can play xbox games, I don’t think it has a problem typing text!!!! I cant believe that!!! Thanks to Kay I know what the real issue is, as the text behaves the same way in other cutting softwares I have. I have to say im not impressed with their support even though I have owned silhouette cameo for 5 years.
I have to say I don’t have the jagged line issue mentioned above.
If anyone else has the Problem with the continues stream of the SYNCING bar please see website below follow the steps to reinstall the driver software from original silhouette installation disk…. Hope I help someone 🙂
OK ladies, I did the most recent update…and now the program wont load. it loads up files and fonts but then it goes on to continuously load icons (63000 and going up) and I get an error message…Error Occurred, An Error has occur. Sending an automatically generate error report will help Aspex Software resolve the problem. After I click on the Send Report…the message stays but sends and error occured while sending…Any thought on what to do. Everything still works on my laptop, but the main computer is so much easier for working, since its directly attached to the machine and has larger screens…
If you loaded 3.3.622, try 3.3.632 that is supposed to have fixed this issue. If you still having trouble with 3.3.632 contact support.
Thansk Kay, Actually finally got ahold of support via online and they had me wipe my computer of all that is silhouette and re-install…seems to have done the trick…
I have been getting this same error for a month now and I can’t seem to fix it! I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and I chatted with someone who was NO help. What exactly did you do?
I downloaded the new version (and deleted the old version). I keep received an error “archive is corrupted” and it won’t open. HelP!
If you have deleted the old version without a backup I can’t help you. You will need to contact support.
Did you ever figure it out? I just bought a new computer and am trying to download the software. Its not downloading all the way and when I try to open it a new window pops up and says “archive is corrupted.” Im so frustrated!!
Just got mine and it won’t open the store says the archives are corrupt 🙁 help.
Good day, can you please tell me why I get the message “Archive is corrupted” when trying to download Silhouette V3.6.057
Here is the official answer
Any luck with this? I’m having ZERO luck with disabling antivirus and getting this to download successfully.
I cant get my new Curio to sync, the power button on the unit is just blinking and when I try to send something to it to cut, all if says is syncing but it never loads and sends it to the curio!! Help!!
I don’t have any experience with this, but I seem to remember seeing something about a sync button on the back. Otherwise I suggest you contact [email protected]
Thanks so much for the quick response! I will see if I can find a sync button. The instructions are a little thin for a beginner, but I’ll learn.