This is such a common question among diecutter users that I made a flow chart to answer the question. Now get out there and cut some vinyl!
Download the PDF version here.
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create smart
by Kay
This is such a common question among diecutter users that I made a flow chart to answer the question. Now get out there and cut some vinyl!
Download the PDF version here.
Thanks for this, Kay. it is nice to have all of the info on vinyl in one spot.
Wow! This is great. Very useful
Thanks Kay,
I am printing this out and hanging it in my craftspace. Let me ask .. are you a Teacher in your non craft life? If your not you should be. Thanks again!
Thanks, Kay. Awesome reference sheet!
This is awesome! Thanks so much for sorting through the confusion and giving it to us in such a readable format! Thanks so very much!
We would like to make letters and numbers to put on our sons cars. Do we need a certain cutter for the Cricut. And were can we buy the vinyl?
Vinyl is easier to cut than paper and will work fine with your regular blade. If you only need a little see if your local sign shop will give/sell you some scraps. Otherwise, is a great source.
Hi.. I would like to follow your blog, or subscribe to it. but i dont where to sign in at… I see the place to follow you on twitter but i am not on there.. help please
Thanks for your interest in my blog but as of now I haven’t figured out a way to have followers on
hi ..I love all the imformation this blog offers…has any1 used the vinyl for pparel and how does it hold up in the wash…thanks again
Heat transfer vinyl is the same stuff that is used to decorate apparel commercially. It looks screen printed and holds up beautifully in the wash.
I love your chart. Thanks! I have used several of the vinyls you listed. Wish I had your chart eariler! Well no I do like the challange of tring things. You might want to add Silhouette Flock & smooth to the heat transfer material. I found it at the scrapbook show in Utah last week, cuts nice.
Thanks so much for this awesome chart. Now I don’t have to guess.
This blog is one of my favorite for learning new stuff to use MTC.
Hi Kay,
Thank you for taking the time to create a great blog, it is a super source of information. I am currently sourcing vinyl but where I live (Ireland) I have limited options as to brands etc that I can get my hands on without looking overseas especially in matt.
Can you tell me whether any 2/3 year matt vinyl which has a semi-permanent adhesive would work for wall decals?
I would really appreciate your help as I am going a little insane ๐
The term you want to look for is “removable.” If you call potential suppliers they should be able to tell you whether the vinyl is wall-safe or not.
I was volunteer at our local animal shelter today and I purchased a shirt. I noticed that some of the other volunteer’s shirts were almost ty dyed looking. I asked if they did that themselves. Apparently the cleaner used to clean the cages bleed the color of the shirt. I thought heck I want to design my own shirt with Kitty love and put it on the front of my shirt. I remember something about vinyl for clothing but didn’t have a need at the time. This is so handy. Thanks so much now to find it.
WOW! VERY nice! Thank you for putting all the time and knowledge into such a useful document!!!
Thanks so much for “”””””””””””””ALL””””””””” this information.
So I can use all the vinyl I bought at JoAnns for my wall and not worry that when we leave (carrying me out feet first) lol The landlord will not dig my grave up to make me pay for marking his walls. lol
Thank you so much!! This will save me so much time and money…
so cool… I love flow charts ๐
Thanks for the chart. This will be a big help!
Fabulously helpful chart, can you tell if it is possible to print on any of these vinyls (I have just purchased the cricut imagine)? Also when searching I found something called Puff Flex garment vinyl which looks amazing, have you ever tried this?
Hi Sharon,
None of the vinyls on the chart are printable, but does carry desktop inkjet printable vinyl which is similar (if not identical) to the printable Imagine vinyl. I believe it is wall-safe but check the product description.
To my knowledge the puff vinyls will cut fine on Cricuts but you have to have a heat press to apply them, a hand iron will not suffice.
Googled my question which led me to a cricut forum which led me to your blog link which led me to this wonderful chart. Thanks to you and everyone who shared their car window decal expertise!
I have referred to your chart frequently and point students in your direction when I teach vinyl technique at my local JoAnn’s store. After being asked again recently, I posted this with a link to your site on my site. Let me know if you prefer I not post.
Thank you for your tutorials !
Thank you!
Wow that is so helpful thanks.
Great chart! Thanks!
late arrival here! have you considered adding Silhouette’s vinyl (the only stuff I have at the mo’) to one of the boxes across the bottom? Otherwise, it’s a marvelous aid to us crafters!! thanx
I do not recommend using Silhouette vinyl. Since you have some, check the package for their recommendations.
and what type of vinyl do you use for clothing. for adhesive childrnens tags the ones that you stick inside the garment to know to which child it belongs to. but these are sticky not ironed…???
BTW this is a very interesting chart for us newbies thankssssss a million
Sorry Diamond, I am not familiar with this type of vinyl.