Learn how to use Wordle Advanced with a spreadsheet to make Wordle more powerful and flexible.
Here are the links that go with the video:
- Wordle Input Generator Spreadsheet on Google Docs
- Wordle (standard)
- Wordle Advanced
- Hex Color Chart
- How to regain the ability to copy the word count list from Wordle
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Attention ALL Worldle Users. You must see this video. It’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much for setting up the formulas. I can’t wait to use this spreadsheet. Thank you Kay.
help! I’m a new wordle user & can’t get my project to work. I’m trying to do a bunch of random letters – d e r f y (example) with one letter being larger than the others. It won’t create anything when I say ‘Go’. Any help is appreciated.
Make sure you are using wordle advanced. Also check to see that wordle works on your machine with regular words. If it doesn’t then you’ve got a technical problem for which I will refer you to the FAQs at wordle.net.
Just saw a tweet pointing to this blog post. I bookmarked it and can’t wait to try it out. Thank you for the video with clear and concise steps to follow. You should produce teaching video tutorials because you are wonderful at it.
When I click on http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=cleversomeday.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fspreadsheets.google.com%2Fccc%3Fkey%3D0Aq-zb0Oir370dEM0N3lsZ3ljYU1uNEpybzl1cmdQenc%26hl%3Den&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fcleversomeday.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F06%2F04%2Fwordlepower%2F, the link above to the speadsheet generator, the computer will not load it. Is theire a more direct link. Alternatively, you could just send the the code to put in my own spreadsheet, and I will create.
Ron Henderson
Not sure where you got that loooong link (some sort of feed, perhaps). The direct link is on this blog page, directly under the video. You can download the spreadsheet to your own computer from there if you like.
Thanks for this post. I plan n using this with using this with my students. I like using Wordle for many activities. Thank you also for sharing the google doc file.
I have another question that does not have to do with Wordle but the screen capture itself. I was curious what software you used to create the video. I have used Jing but I like the ability you have to zoom into menus.
Would you please tell me the software you used. I am also a Mac user.
Thanks again.
I use a program called ScreenFlow ($99 telestream.net). I am really enjoying it. Perhaps you could get a better deal as an educator.
Thanks for the Wordle video. Very well done. Question: How do I insert Greek letters into the Wordle? I want to use Greek and English words. How do I let Wordle know I am using a Character set for the Greek letters? Is this possible? Thank you!
This has been discussed in the Wordle Yahoo group, but I don’t remember the details so check the archives there. As I recall you type in the characters into the entry box as you would in a word processor and then try different fonts in Wordle to see which ones support those characters.
This video is SO helpful! Thank you!!
Do you have one for what to do with the Wordle once you’ve built it? (how to export it)
Can a variety of fonts be used in same Wordle?
I appreciate your help!
This video shows one way to save a Wordle on an older PC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjxTM-0UaJ0
and no, you can only use one font at a time in Wordle, but you might try http://www.tagxedo.com which allows a combination of fonts.
Hi! I’ve been playing with this and would like to upload some screen captures to snapfish for printing, but the resolution is too low for a good, large print where I could really see the littler words in the final product. Do you know of a way to save the wordle in a higher resolution? Thanks!
Yes, Dora, you can use “print to PDF” to get a scaleable vector image that can be printed at any size. If you use a Mac just click the PDF button at the bottom of the print dialog and choose “Save as PDF”. If you are using A PC, check the Wordle FAQs for more information. I’m not sure if Snapfish, etc. can print from PDFs, but if not you can use the PDF to export a higher resolution jpg for printing.
What a great explination on Wordle. I have a much better understanding on how to use it more specifically. Thanks!
thank you so much! This is great. I missed a few words of the explanation (as I am Italian), but the video helps a lot! Also I love your accent, is it from the south?
Thank you, Diana, and yes, my accent is from the south.
Thanks for the Wordle tutorial … good stuff!
Thanks Kay is there a way to searh for premade wordles?
Like a graduation one?
No, unfortunately, not from within Wordle. You can search Google images for “graduation wordle” or do an advanced google search like this “graduation site:wordle.net” but it will probably be quicker to just create your own.
I’ve had this bookmarked for some time. It’s the best explanation of using Wordle Advanced that I’ve come across. I have a question, though. How did you get the accessible files to show above the spreadsheet so you can quickly go to the Hex codes and other documents? Thanks for any help you can provide. I’m new to Wordle, but have had fun playing with the standard form of it. I’m itching to try it with my own colors.
I am using tabs feature in my browser to be able to get to everything quickly.
Thanks for that. Very nice!
Thank you for solving my Wordle problems!
Can’t copy the Word Count any more… Anyone got a solution or work around?
Alexander, please see the last link in this post.
Thanks so much for the video–very helpful!
Hi, I have a question. I used your template and it works till a certain extent. I have put the color codes in the template, but when I copy paste it into wordle advanced (second box) the colors do not show up. They all stay black. What can I do.
Also, to make certain words bigger (but not appear more than once) do I add e.g. nr. 17 behind the word?
Hope you can help me asap!
I just retried it and it is working for me in both Chrome and Safari. I have heard several reports of the color input not working in general in recent months. Try pasting the sample text above the box in to see if that is working. If not, we know it is a wordle problem and not a formatting issue. My only other suggestion would be to try another browser. And yes, relative size of words is determined by the frequency number entered.
VERY COOL STUFF! Sorry for the caps! But this is what I was looking for to help with an elusive project1 Thanks for your expertise and I will be sure to give you credit for creating this time saver.