PixScan promises to make it easy to cut on scraps, but it’s really pretty easy now, if you know the trick.
Note: You can use this method in V2 as shown in the video or in V3. In V3, however, you need V3.0.531 or later to have arrow keys, and you have to do one test cut first before you can move the blade with the on screen arrows.
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MIND BLOWN. I never even questioned what those arrows were for… Thank you so much for posting and clearly explaining this! Like others have said, no more counting squares, missing it by *that* much, etc.
Today I happily found your website purely by ‘poking around’ looking for Cameo information..I am a new user and can watch your videos all day! (which I have done.) you have so much knowledge and so many great ideas! It is so good of you to offer fonts for us to download. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Another question I have is about downloading fonts that you mention or are available on this site. Is there any cause for concern as to the fonts being ‘safe’ to download to my computer?
Thanks ..
I am careful to only link to sites I believe to be safe, however, everyone should follow safe downloading practices by keeping their antivirus software up to date and by learning to distinguish ads and bogus links from legitimate file downloads.
Thank you!
I have recently just found your youtube channel and all I can say is WOW! I’ve learned so much from your videos in a few hours to do things I never knew were possible…like positioning with the arrow keys!!!
Thanks so much for this video! I learned something new today